Citizens ' appeal

Schedule of reception of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, their representatives, representatives of legal entities by the management of JSC "Druzhba Poultry Farm"

Preliminary appointment for an appointment with the general director is made by phone +375 163 489901 or on the 2nd floor of the administrative building at the reception secretary (office 2-01).
When applying, you must specify the following information:
your last name, first name, patronymic;
place of residence and phone number;
briefly tell the essence of your question.
The reception is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Have identity documents with you (passport, residence permit, refugee certificate).
It is also recommended to have answers to previous appeals to other organizations and other documents necessary for the consideration of the issue of concern.

Higher authority

Baranovichi District Executive Committee
225409,Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi, Sovetskaya str., 79
+375 163 424475
Operating mode
Mon-Fri: 08: 00-16: 45
Lunch: 12: 00-12: 45
Sat, Sun: closed
*** In accordance with the second part of subparagraph 1.1 of paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 667 of July 23, 2012 "On certain issues of working with appeals of citizens and legal entities", citizens and legal entities contact the organization's "hotline" for reference and consulting issues.

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