225316, Brest region, Baranovichi district, 90, Zhemchuzhny rural council, administrative building 1.5 km west from Zhemchuzhny agro - town.
See mapCoordinates:
Latitude: 53.135567; Longitude: 25.849152
Reception phones:
+375 163 489901+375 163 489917 (fax)
Phone of the chief dispatcher:
+375 163 489943
Phone number of the central checkpoint:
+375 163 489956
Work time:
Mon – Fri : 08:00 – 16:45 (dinner: 12:00 – 12:45)
Sat – Sun: day off
General Director - Mulyarchik Andrey Vladimirovich, acts on the basis of the Charter
Bank requisites
BY52AKBB30126020700151300000 in CBU 127 JSC "ASB Belarusbank", BIC AKBBBY2X, 8a Stockerau, Baranovichi
BY50BAPB30124405400110000000 in the Central Bank No.130 Baranovichi Regional Directorate for the Brest region of JSC "Belagroprombank", BIC VARVVU2X
BY36PJCB30125102181000000933 in the Central Bank No. 505 of Baranovichi JSC "Priorbank", BIC RJSVVU2X
BY16BLBB30120200047140001001 in JSC "Belinvestbank" BIC BLBBBY2X
Certificate of state registration of a commercial organization dated January 20, 2010.
Deputy General Director for Marketing and Commercial Issues
Timokhov Dmitry Anatolievich
+375 163 489920 zamkom@ptushka.byDeputy General Director for Poultry Farming
Grits Denis Dmitrievich
+375 163 489955, korma@ptushka.byDeputy General Director for Ideological, Organizational and Personnel Work
Damarad Denis Nikolaevich
+375 163 489903, +375 29 3209443 zamorgkadr@ptushka.byDeputy General Director for Security, Regime and Human Resources
Tumash Ivan Alekseevich
+375 163 489902, +375 29 7209041 zambez@ptushka.byDeputy General Director for Agricultural Production
Hrytsuk Oleksandr Borysovich
+375 163 489921, +375 29 7968435 zamobch@ptushka.byDeputy General Director for Supply
Artyukh Evgeny Evgenievich
+375 163 489919, +375 44 7515039 zamsnab@ptushka.byDeputy General director - chief engineer
Bernadsky Vitaly Viktorovich
+375 163 489907, +375 44 7014847 energoboss@ptushka.byChief Economist
Koltan Henrikh Mikhailovich
+375 163 489960, +375 29 3573005 Drugba_planov@ptushka.byHead of the labor protection department
Kochergin Arthur Dmitrievich
+375 163 489935, +375291300078 ot@ptushka.byChief Veterinarian
Mishkevich Viktor Iosifovich
+375 163 489904, +375 29 6031687 vet.drugba@ptushka.byDeputy General Director - Chief Civil Engineer
Kuzmin Sergey Vasilyevich
+375 163 489910, +375 29 1069537 oksir@ptushka.byHead of the Legal Department
Semenyuk Vladimir Alekseevich
+375 163 489911, +375 44 7603949 KUO@ptushka.byDirector of the branch "Dubravskiy broiler"
Ladutko Yury Sergeevich
+375 29 6758530 ladutko@ptushka.byЗам. директора филиала "Дубравский бройлер"
Samotoshenko Vitaliy Alekseevich, Deputy Director of the branch "Dubravskiy broiler"
+375 29 9797628Head of the security service of the "Dubrava broiler" branch
Гречный Василий Иванович
+375 44 5141880