Information for the information of applicants
Electronic appeals to the leadership of the district executive committee are placed in a special category "Electronic appeals" on the official website of the regional executive Committee on the global computer network Internet.
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Appeals of Citizens and Legal Entities" dated 18.07.2011 No. 300-Z (hereinafter referred to as the Law), (with amendments and additions, relevant from January 23, 2016) electronic appeals are subject to consideration in accordance with the procedure established for consideration of written appeals, taking into account the features provided for in Article 25 "Consideration of electronic appeals" of the Law.
The requirements for electronic appeals are established by paragraph 1, paragraphs two-four of paragraph 2 or paragraphs two-five of paragraph 3 of Article 12 of the Law (posted below).
Electronic copies of documents confirming their authority must be attached to electronic applications submitted by representatives of applicants.
In case of non-compliance with the established requirements, your electronic appeal may be left without consideration on the merits in accordance with the procedure established by paragraph 4 of Article 15 of the Law.
Also, your application should contain information about the results of its previous consideration (if you applied earlier) with an appendix (if available) of documents confirming this information.
If you want to receive a written response to your electronic appeal on paper to your postal address, you must notify this in your electronic appeal.
If the incoming electronic appeals of similar content from different applicants are of a mass nature (more than ten appeals), the responses to such appeals by the decision of the head of the state body or the person authorized by him to sign the responses to the appeals in accordance with the established procedure may be posted on the official website of the state body or other state organization on the global computer network Internet without sending responses (notifications) to the applicants.
Additional documents and (or) information (documents confirming the powers of the applicants ' representatives, documents on the results of the previous consideration of applications and other documents and (or) information necessary to resolve the issues set out in the application, must be submitted in the form of files attached to the electronic application.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Law, You have the right:
withdraw your electronic appeal before considering it on its merits by submitting a written application or sending an application in electronic form in the same way as the electronic appeal was sent.
In accordance with article 20 of the Law, you have the right to:
appeal in accordance with the established procedure to a higher organization the response to your appeal or the decision to leave the appeal without consideration on the merits. The organization's response to the appeal or the decision to leave the appeal without consideration on the merits after appealing to a higher organization may be appealed by you to the court in accordance with the procedure established by law.
To send your e-mail, you need to fill out the following form. All fields of the form are mandatory.
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